
Thursday 7 September 2017

Hello Old Blogging World Of Mine

Dear Followers, 

Wow, despite the fact I have not blogged in approximately 7 months, you all have kept stopping by... the amount of visitors continues to go up & up... I am flattered you all still paid me attention. *heehee* But really, I stopped blogging because I found it was stressful & it's a hobby I was bored with. 

To be honest, I am still bored with blogging. I don't want to be a regular blogger or ever have any pressure on social media. I like the 3 platforms I used to connect with others (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram), and want to keep it to those basic 3.

Also my old laptop is gone for good & while I do currently have access to a desktop, that will be changing next spring, and I will just have a cranky old tablet & my phone, with perhaps occasional access to a desktop at the library.

That being said, for daily posts & back & forth chatting, do find me on Instagram & Twitter

I think most of you do follow me there, but just in case, my life has been a whirlwind of drastic changes & a true roller coaster ride, so here are a few things you should know about my life now & why I am a totally changed person:

1) My Mom passed away on July 24th after a 12 year battle with cancer. She was my best friend, entire support system, and the rock I stood on. I am still struggling with extreme highs & lows, dreadful nightmares & issues sleeping, as well as I have been having a lot of suicidal thoughts too (this is a fact I no longer hide about myself~ it has been an ongoing battle since I was 20). Needless to say I don't recognize my life anymore, but am attempting to go on best I can.

2) I had made plans starting last fall to move to Prince Edward Island (yes, Anne of Green Gable's island) in the spring of 2018 & am continuing forward with those plans. I have been praying about a room mate, a place to stay & a job.... the room mate prayer may have already been settled & I am truly hoping it all works out because she seems like a God-Thing in my life. Who knows what will happen or if I will make it there, but I intend on trying! I am returning for a visit to The Island in 2 weeks, to confirm it's where I want to be~ I confess, I am nervous, but excited too!

3) I started making radical changes in my diet & lifestyle early this spring. Moved from a total Gilmore Girls diet, to an organic, GMO/Chemical Free, fresh diet, trying to watch white flour & sugar content as well. I am attempting to eat & live more ethically by using less plastic, buying fair trade foods, and so on. My recent purchase was glass straws as I have also started making my own smoothies. With Mom's death, I have messed up many times (comfort food), but no where near as bad as what I used to! Trying to get back on the bandwagon now more seriously, but also not denying myself treats, which actually is problematic but I am not beating myself up too much. Heehee

4) Thus my chronic health issues actually started improving a ton! My pain levels went down in the extreme, mostly due to the fact I no longer have chronic migraines several times a week, that last for hours & are so hard to work through. I am still working out a bunch of kinks of course, but seeing improvement in pain levels, acne, digestion, & joint paint is definitely an improvement. Note To Self: No more treat days!!! 

And there you have it! The biggest changes in my life. 

I am keeping very busy dealing with running the house by myself, sorting through Mom's stuff, attempting to get back on top of mail & such paper things after falling months & months behind, some yard work, getting our kitchen renos done, planning a trip to PEI, prepping for the move to PEI, planning a birthday party, plus of course all my jobs (butchering, yard work, professional cleaning, housecare, car cleaning, you name it). 

But my mindset has been changing so much & so radically the past year, that I thought perhaps it was time I start writing little rants & thoughts down & sharing them with the social media world. I am becoming a lot more balanced & open minded & I have a unique perspective.... I am hoping that I can be encouraging, inspiring, & perhaps change the way you think. People keep telling me to share my mini soapbox speeches with others... so I think I will try to do that again from time to time.

Thank you for reading & chat me up anytime!

With Love From Your Prairie Hippie, 
Bekah/Mouse ♥

1 comment:

  1. I too have lost my urge to blog. I enjoyed it but I have kind of moved on from it. I'm trying to be more present and not get distracted.
    I do so enjoy enjoy our friendship.
    Healthy eating is sometimes hard and treats are so tempting. Whole-food, plant-based is my diet choice but I am so often tempted by milk chocolate.
