Friday 13 September 2024

The Last Days Of August

      And here we are, middle of September, and I am sharing the last moments of August that I captured with you. Honestly, I am not real behind at all, yay, go me! 

We visited a new ice cream place for the first time, and oh my goodness, I am now obsessed with their Smoovies! I got a Lime Smoovie, and it was so so so yummy!! I downed it way too quickly. Haha Cannot wait to go back.

Way back in early summer, I got this wooden side table off FB Marketplace for super cheap, and while I did get it painted relatively quickly, I wanted to let it sit and cure for a good long while in my garage. 

Here are the before photos:

And here it is now, in its new home! Ignore how messy and sad the rest of our patio is looking. It is indeed turning into fall quickly! 

It really is the perfect size and height, and while I did have to buy some paint (which I better remember to move into the house this year LOL), it wasn't too expensive! And its sturdy! 

Also, I have started sharing about books and reading on TikTok so I guess I am a BookToker now. Feel free to find Miss Mouse Middleton there. I read a wide variety, and may shock some folks with what I read, but eh, I am loving being able to read anything and everything! 

I should add I am still obsessed with thrifting books, which is where this stack came from. 

A gorgeous, warm walk. I love it when you take a picture, and it almost looks like a tunnel. Anyone wanna turn this into a painting, Van Gogh style? I feel like he would approve of this view. 

Of course I stopped to admire the bumble butt. I always do! They are just too cute!!

Really not a bad view at all! 

The number of times I am stopping to grab a quick photo or two because I cannot resist saving the memory somehow. 

A quick trip out to our land to see how fall is progressing there. It is definitely coming on fast, and our food forest is showing signs of dying down. 

There was a storm happening at the time we were out there, so the clouds were magnificent. 

And with that August, and summer, comes to a close. Who knows how many warm, beautiful summer-like days may arrive with September, but this girl is rocking into fall and bringing out the decor and so on! 

Thursday 12 September 2024

A Gorgeous August Picnic

      You know we had to squeak in one more picnic in August, not that picnics don't' happen in the fall, but one more full-on summer picnic was needed! We got the most perfect day for it as well, so off we went. 

There is this amazing park, in the middle of the city, but it feels like you aren't in the city, which is, shockingly (haha not), one of my favorite things. 

I made Raccoon haul this table over a ways, because I wanted it in the perfect spot. It was nice to be in the sun a bit, but sheltered from the wind thanks to the towering trees. 

It is starting to become one of my traditions to bring a bottle of sparkling cider and wine glasses to an outdoor picnic. It just makes it feel so much more special! 

KFC feels like such a 90s thing to bring to a picnic, but here I am, sticking true to my roots. 

Silly Raccoon way over filled my cup. I always like to take a video (go follow my Tiktok!) and he just kept pouring and pouring. He cracks himself up. 

After we were done eating, we spread some blankets out and laid in the sun, soaking up the warm rays. I also did a bit of reading, but it was hard not to feel sleepy! 

Never go anywhere without a book. I have learned my lesson on that front! 

Look at that stunning sky - absolutely flawless! Seems almost like a painting! 

And that's a wrap on our picnic. You can expect one more post from me, sharing the last few days of August memories. I do have one more little album of random tidbits I want to share! 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Bumble Butts, Evening Walks, & Knitted Goodies

      Hello bloggers, I cannot believe I have nearly caught you all up on life! Hopefully you have been enjoying the journey these past few weeks, and rest assured, I am busy making more memories while these are posting! 

Oh my heavens, I am always so delighted when bumble bees are around and couldn't care less if I shove a camera in their faces... or their behinds.... and I am quite thrilled with these captures! 

We have been going for quite a few walks. I am grateful that although we live in a crowded development area, we are within walking distance of a natural area, where you can hear the birds and the crickets, and see the sun setting. 

I am embracing the acne and skin changes that are coming along with estrogen detox and hormonal imbalance. To be transparent, after being on a birth control for 12 years (I was very sick before going on them), I am now onto the step of weaning off them. I will be on low dose progesterone for a while, maybe a year or two, before hopefully going off entirely. Meanwhile, I am trying to help my body relearn how to balance itself, and thus, it feels like I am puberty again, which is hard both physically and emotionally. But here we are, trying to roll with it, accept my body is trying, and doing quite well overall. Hoping in the near future it will improve!  

Look at that incredible detail! 

“Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It’s ordinary to love the beautiful, but it’s beautiful to love the ordinary.” - MJ Korvan

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” - Amit Ray

I also wanted to include in this post some new knitted goodies I purchased off of Etsy, from a shop called Sketch Moose. I have ordered many things from Lisa before, and she makes the best items, at incredible prices for Canadians! 

I chose the colours on this darling octopus and I am so obsessed with him, I cannot even describe in words how much. He truly is a special guy! 

I also ordered this teeny tiny whale - he doesn't even fill the palm of my hand! 

Lisa was so kind, she added this chicken in as a bonus gift, which delighted me to no end, because I initially almost bought the chicken too! And here she sent her as a surprise! Incredible!! 

Previously, I have ordered a ton of stickers from her, and this order was no exception - I had to add a few in as gifts for dear friends.  

Well that's all from my corner of the world today. I shall return before long with the end of August and farewell to summer adventures. My forever favorite season is next! Autumn!