Tuesday, 8 April 2014

A Heart of Two Colours

To have a soft heart, they say,
Is a blessing from God.
To have a soft heart, they say,
Is a gift to be used wisely.
To have a soft heart, they say,
Is something to be proud of. 

But I say no...

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To have a soft heart, I say,
Is a curse from a fallen world.
To have a soft heart, I say,
Is to have an imperfect belonging.
To have a soft heart, I say,
Is something no one should desire. 


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A soft heart feels too much.
A soft heart listens too much.

A soft heart is wounded too often.
A soft heart is broken too often. 

So I dream of a heart of stone. 

But they say no...

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To have a stone heart, they say,
Is to feel nothing, at all
To have a stone heart, they say,
Is to never experience joy, ever.
To have a stone heart, they say,
Is to dwell without love, eternally.

All true.

So I will change my dream.

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I will long for a heart that is strong enough to handle both worlds.

A heart that can feel:
Love, and hate.
Joy, and sorrow.
Peace, and war.
Hope, and despair.

I will teach my heart how to be broken, and how to heal.
I will teach my heart how to be weak, and how to grow strong.
I will teach my heart how to love, and how to let go.


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I have learned,
That in this world,
Everything in moderation,
Is the key to survival.

And my heart will survive...
And thrive...
And be triumphant...

It will be...
A Heart of Two Colours. ♥

{Written By Bekah. Copyrighted April 2014}


  1. *is at an uncharicteristic loss for words*
    Bekah. I needed this SO. BADLY. today. My heart was crushed a little today. I needed this. I needed this. I needed this.
    "Let your moderation be known to all men..."
    Needed that too
    *hugs you tightly* I am *SO* glad you are my friend.

  2. Bekah, this is gorgeous! I love it. It entirely fits what I've been trying to put to words for awhile. Thanks :)
