Saturday, 3 May 2014

Crossing The Confederation Bridge & Our First Glimpses Of PEI

Our last night before arriving on The Island, we stayed in a very lovely motel.... 

Mom & I had our photo taken in the lobby, so I thought you might like to see, despite how tired we look. 

I didn't get very many good photos while crossing the Confederation Bridge, taking us from New Brunswick over to The Island, but I will share them anyways.

It was so lovely to finally see the ocean and the red shores!

I was out on the beach today, and visited the Dalvay by the Sea Hotel (otherwise known as the White Sands, in the TV show "Road To Avonlea"!) and got a lot of amazing photos!

So I hope to start sharing some of those soon! 

1 comment:

  1. tee hee :D You and your mom DO look tired-- but very cute (travelling is VERY mean to a person, so don't worry lol I'm sure we can ALL identify! I always look as though I have leprosy when we travel, because I go to sleep on my crocheted blanket and it imprints hysterically on my face!!!)
    and the shoreline!?!?!? *breathless*
