Thursday, 1 May 2014

Hello From Prince Edward Island! {Important Internet Update}

Well, first post from The Island!

So happy to be here!

Now to settle in.......... lots more organizing, rearranging, cleaning, buying things you forget, etc. than you'd realize!

I do have Internet, but only on my laptop, and the signal is weak, and speed slow.

With that in mind, along with the fact the internet cuts out a lot, my blog posts will be considerably smaller and a lot less photos.

I am sure you will understand! 

I will still post as much and as often as I can, but sadly, none of my "famous" 50 photo posts. :( 

But I don't want to stop blogging all together this summer, so here I am! 

I do have a few photos I took along the way to share with you, and I am going to try to include a few of the first day of our journey with this post! 

First off, through Saskatchewan we go, with its amazing skies!

I will try to return soon with a few more photos! 

Short posts seem to be best for this Internet Connection! 

P.S. I may be able to go to the library & do a bigger blog post there now & again!

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