Friday, 20 March 2015

Happy First Day Of Spring! { A Newsy Post }

It actually feels like spring here...
Which is just not normal.

We did receive a little snow overnight but now it it sunny & warming up, so back to melting.

It is very odd to have spring out here on the western prairies, while the east coast is buried in snow & continuing to receive more storm warnings. 
I don't recall the last time that happened! 

I am beginning to enjoy doing my paper routes, because I would still rather contend with mud than with ice & the -40sC type weather!

My routes are in areas under development, so most places do not have driveways or even gravel put down yet & definitely no grass. 

I purchased some darling new rubber boots, so next week, when I do my routes, I will be ready to battle the mud & puddles. 
And watch, it will probably snow. HAHA

My dental work is nearly finished, for now.

I have had 4 fillings done & next Thursday I will be getting 1 wisdom tooth pulled.
I am very happy to have all this work done, despite not enjoying the process or the recovery time.

In the summer, I will be sure to get a cleaning & check-up, then in the fall do any new work & see about removing my other 2 wisdom teeth. 

Thank you for the prayers though, because the appointments have definitely gone much better than I had expected!! 
For that I am ever so grateful.

Honestly, not much has been happening. 

I cook & bake, then I blog the recipes & tweet out links to followers.
I constantly have issues with technology & am attempting to fix it.
I am never caught up on mail, only get very very close on occasion.
I spend too much time on Twitter. It's my social networking obsession right now.
I have a huge stack of magazines, which is all I am reading at the moment.
I am working on a latch hook project that is nearly done.
I adore adding pages to my penpal scrapbook. 
I am attempting to plan a few small road trips for the summer. 
I spend my Weds & Thurs working, normally.

♪And I wish you a very Happy Spring! ♪

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