Saturday, 28 March 2015

La Kitchenette Souris : My Ginger Stir-fry & Chicken Rice

Hello all!

Happy to be sharing with you another "recipe" of my own creating.... 
Now let's see if I can actually recall everything I put in!

I need to write down as I go what I actually include, so I remember later, because I am the type of chef who tosses in a bit of this, a bit of that, a pinch of this, a teaspoon of that.... and it changes every time I make it.

But this stir-fry was particularly pleasant in flavor, so I will try to tell you all I included!

My Ginger Stir-Fry

1 red bell pepper
8 mushrooms
5 stalks of celery
5 carrots
1 cup of broccoli 
1 cup cauliflower

Now you can do more or less of all these items, depending on what you like.
I basically just bought a little of everything, tossed it all in the frying pan & that was that. HAHA
Try to chop & slice all these veggies up so that they look pretty.

Then heat your frying pan up, put in 3/4 cup of real butter & 1 teaspoon of ginger, along with dashes of sea salt & freshly ground black pepper.
Melt until sizzling nicely.

Then add your veggies, making sure to that it all gets coated in the butter.

Continue stirring, tossing in dashes of smoked paprika & italian spices, with pinches of oregano & a bit of fresh parsley.

Serve on top of Chicken Rice. 

How To Make Chicken Rice: 

1 1/2 cups white rice, thoroughly washed in cold water
(I wash it about 7 times before all the white preserving powder is off~ you don't want to be eating that! So just wash until the water runs clear & the rice now looks yellowish)

Place in 3 cups cold water with 1 Tablespoon butter, a couple pinches of sea salt & freshly ground black pepper, along with a bit more oregano.

Dissolve one bouillon cube in the chicken broth flavor (I always go for the natural brands, less salt & additives & has way better taste!) in a little boiling water.
When completely dissolved add to rice.

Then cook rice as normal.
Stir briefly before serving.

It's not a strong flavor, just a nice little Chinese touch.

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