Friday, 9 October 2015

A Tour Of Government House

I was very fortunate to be able to have a tour of Government House, since apparently they do not offer very many of them anymore. 

What an impressive building! 

The gardens outside are just as beautiful and I took a lot of photos in them before heading inside for the tour. 

 I am assuming that at one time, this was the gatehouse. 
I forgot to ask what it is used for now...

Reminded me of the American Girl movie, "Felicity".

Another sunny day, as you can see!

The greenhouse, that supplies fresh flowers in the house every day. 

A special hybrid rose.

Awkward selfie. 

Then I decided to hang my camera on this arbor and attempt a little photo shoot. 
Only a few photos turned out, but eh, at least I got a few snaps of me in Newfoundland. Didn't get many! 

The tour inside begins.... the chandeliers always grab my eye!

A terrible picture, but I loved this copy of a Royal painting of our Queen.
You will notice a bit further down I have some more snaps of Royal paintings...

The dining room.

The drawing room.

The ballroom, a small ballroom, but as the gentleman giving the tour said, in that era, very few people were invited to a ball, due to lack of high society people in the area.

I hope you have enjoyed your tour of Government House!

I will try to return soon with more photos!


  1. You take lovely photos, Bekah!
    How is life for you?
    Good, I hope!
    May God Bless you! (I'm assuming that you are still a Christian, right? It's been so long!...)


    1. I'm not quite sure who you are?? I don't recall knowing any "Sams"...
      Thank you!
      "Still a Christian"? LOL You can't lose your salvation. But if you meant to ask if I am still living for God? Yes. I should think that would be obvious....

    2. Sam.... Samantha R. :) I used to comment on her regularly years ago. I thought it obvious but thought I'd ask anyway... so many I used to know have left their faith and yes, lost their salvation because they are no longer living for God and have turned away toward evil things. It saddens me greatly but hearing you are still living for Him is a breath of fresh air! :)

    3. Oh, forgot to mention that I did photography too and I think we "met" through a mutual friend or one of the Christian magazines... did you receive Hidden Wisdom, KBR or any others?

    4. I do have a faint memory of that yes!
      Yes, I was in those circles of Christian magazines! :) I wrote for a lot of them....

  2. Cool :) I'm so glad that I found you again and am enjoying your photography. It inspired me to get back into it again.
