Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Mifflin's Tea Room { Bonavista, NL }

I am so glad I rented a car and was able to take a road trip out to another corner of Newfoundland, the area of Cape Bonavista!

The drive was a bit long, but lovely and the weather was good. 

I had reserved a spot for a lunch & tea at this darling little tearoom and I definitely give them a 5 Stars review!

Excellent service, food, and atmosphere. Worth the drive!
Fair prices as well & a large tea selection.

Quaint, charming, romantic. 

This cute little display caught my eye!

I was happy to be able to sit by the window.

Lunch is served!
Homemade macaroni & cheese, and they didn't skimp on the cheese!

Blueberry Black Tea, made in Newfoundland.
It was so delicious I bought a package to take home with me & am enjoying it still.
Just the right combination of sweet and bitter...

And as for dessert, like my Mom says, "Always have dessert!"
So I did.
Peanut Butter Cheesecake.

More Bonavista exploring coming soon!

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