Friday 31 May 2024

Rye Bread & Winter Moments

     Hiiiiiii, did you think I was gone for good again?! Nope, just busy trying to survive full time work and part time school, plus maintaining relationships, keeping up with housework, spring/summer arriving, never ending appointments, and oh yeah. Burnout. 100% in a bad Burnout Season of life. But I really didn't want to disappear from the blog for another 5 years, and I love sharing my photography elsewhere besides social media platforms, so here I am! 

I have curated and edited around 360 photos to share with you, so hopefully I am able to sit down and get a lot of blog posts up in the near future. Thank you for sticking around! I saw my visits number went way up in my absence, so hello all your old-school folks! 

I made a return to bread baking. I am definitely a little rusty, but it still turned out very delicious, and I am looking forward to making more in the future. 

You can find my recipe ~HERE~ 

This is homemade butter! Every time my workplace has heavy cream to write off, I take whatever I can and we make butter. Just stick it in the freezer, and use as needed. So so yummy! 

Speaking of work write offs, here I am, curled up in bed, separating rosemary leaves from their stems. They arrived frozen, but there was still plenty of good pieces to be spared! 

Living music evening at a cute cafe with S. 

One of MANY piles of thrifted books. Guys, regardless of how INSANE my TBR book piles everywhere, it hasn't stopped me. Haha! 

At this point, I have read 56 books this year, but am on a current reading pause. See aforementioned burnout. It really does affect everything. 

Anyways, I have had some amazing thrifted hauls and even posted my first book haul video on Tiktok, so I guess I am moving into the BookTok world?! 

For a while I was spending a ton of time, sitting in our lazy boy, reading away. Here are some of the many books I tore through. 

I have been snapping a lot more random moments that I share on my Instagram stories, but I really loved the vibe of this one. Cozy moments are worth documenting over and over. 

Heading out to Manitou Springs, for a proper soak in the mineral spa. 

We had the opportunity to attend a Blades game and sit in box seats, compliments of my workplace! 
It was a really fun night, and now, it feels extra special, because one of the coworkers I attended with has since passed away, and she had a real impact on me. So these last moments with her feel insanely special now and I am grateful for them. 

At this point in January, I was fully caught up on snail mail. Oh my how times have changed. LOL
Another one of my many hobbies that has gotten to the "insanely overwhelming" point. Who knows, maybe I will get rolling on them soon too. 

Always adding random cactus to my collection that we then proceed to kill. True story. As I type, this guy is still alive somehow! 

Well, that's all I am going to share for now, but just getting rolling on blogging again feels great! Step by step, I really want to get the overwhelm shed off my shoulders and maintain my burnout a lot better. 
I hope you guys are all doing incredibly well. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Bekah! So glad you are blogging again. Your posts are always so inspiring and beautiful (springing as they do from a beautiful soul). FYI, I had to leave Twitter due to a relentless stalker, so I'm trying to find and stay connected to a few precious people I met there.
