Friday 30 August 2024

Wee Updates & A Rainy Day At The Gardens

      Hello, lovely old blogging world! Hopefully this post finds you doing a lot better than I presently am. I am on Day 1 of a few holidays, and while that was initially going to be amazing, productive, restful, crammed full of fun.... I only got to Errand 1, and my car decided to have a breakdown.

     Turns out, a certain metal arm leading to my tire broke, the ball joint snapped out, and another axle cracked too. Between the tow truck and the repairs, I am out nearly $1000, which, is 2 weeks' worth of earnings these days. But what can you do?! It is the risk of owning and driving a car. It could have been so much worse - I was pulling into a parking spot when it happened, so minimal damage happened besides the actual issue. No accident happened, say if I were to have been going a much faster speed. And my Dad, who lives out of town, was only 5 minutes away and was able to come help me. I was able to get a tow truck immediately, and he was incredible, really knew his stuff, and helped us out a lot. Then finally, I was able to get it towed 3 blocks to a Tire Repair Shop, and they were able to get it in today, at the latest, tomorrow hopefully! As I type, I am waiting for the call that it is done. Hoping the rest of my holidays can go well, although I will be a bit nervous getting back into my car. 

     Does anyone else get really paranoid that their vehicle is no longer safe upon needing some emergency repairs? Do you struggle with anxiety? Because it will take me a while to feel safe again, and sadly, I went from being out of financial stress for just a few days before being put right back into it. *sigh*

     Anyways, other happenings in my life... not too much, to be honest... work is about the same, but the emotional burnout from customers treating retail staff so poorly gets to be a bit much often... I have changed directions with school a tiny bit - still working to complete my Chartered Herbalist Diploma Course, hopefully by February. Just slowly school down a bit, focusing more on burnout and then hopefully working more on the land. We intend to go to Banff in the fall, and I am still hopeful I can go see a friend in late winter. 

    For today, I wanted to start sharing the backlog of photos I have! Around 350, I believe, of various adventures that have been happening since I last posted. So, get ready for a ton of summer moments. 

     We continued to have a very rainy summer until August rolled around, then the heat tore in like a mad chicken... but meanwhile, I decided to go out and enjoy the rainy days as best as I could. This particular day was absolutely breath-taking. It felt very much like something Beatrix Potter would enjoy. 

     Here is a wonderful ~ PLAYLIST ~ to list to if you want flawless ambience. 


There was a Mama Goose, covering up her nest, which you can see in the center of this photo, up against the tree trunk. She kept fluffing out her wings, and once in a while you would get a glimpse of some babies huddling underneath. 

Everywhere you looked, there were glistening raindrops sitting on vibrant, lush leaves. 

The rain certainly didn't stop the fish from checking out who was lingering beside them. 

Normally, I take a book with me everywhere I go. Wouldn't you know it, today when my car broke down, I was indeed without a book! Lesson learned! Always take a book. Even when it is raining. 

If you are on Tiktok, I was able to create a very aesthetically pleasing video, with some inspirational words, that you may want to check out. Look for Miss Mouse Middleton! 

One last look at the beautiful pond before I leave you for today...

Not to worry,  I intend to work on scheduling a bunch of posts very soon, so hopefully you will be seeing me pop up on here for a while, until I get you all caught up! 

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