Tuesday 11 June 2024

Moving Into Spring

      Good Morning! Lets go for a little ramble through my random photo albums and pull out a few memories we want to hold onto. 

Some gorgeous tulips Raccoon bought me. I love these blended colours, but I do wish tulips would last longer! One day I look forward to having a bunch of tulips popping up all over on the land....

The sunlight has been so rare, that each time I see the sun flooding through our living room, I just have to grab a camera and take some warm, glowing shots. 
Here is a whole bunch of an evening that was stunning. 
And obviously, this was pre me getting around to taking down and packing away all the Easter decor. Haha! 

Car rides with the doggos out to our land! These photos are so much more sentimental now, as Hunter, the doggo on my lap, has since passed away, so I really love these goofy selfies together. 

Our land with all the snow gone, and greenish beginning to show. We haven't been out there since, so I cannot imagine how green it must look now! 

The first rainbow I saw this year. Sadly, over a construction zone, so not the most romantic to photograph, but who cares, it was sparkling away! 

Our first afternoon sitting out in our tunnel backyard, pre it being full of pots. I have acquired a little table, I just need to get around to painting it first. 

The last few walks, where there were some clumps of snow still lingering in the more shady areas. 

And then just a little random moment where the power went out at work and we spent 45 minutes out back, having a drink and waiting for it to be fixed! 

Well, that will be all from me today, but there is plenty more to come. We have only arrived in May, and I have taken so many more photos to share with y'all. I don't really feel like I am catching up on anything, but I have definitely been tackling various hobbies, as time allows. 

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