Thursday 6 June 2024

Starting Herbal College & March Walks

      Hello world! This time I am excited to tell you about something that has been taking up a large portion of my time and mental energy since March, and that is Herbal College!

I enrolled in the Chartered Herbalist program through Dominion Herbal College, and while they give you a year to complete it, I am very determined to complete it in 6 months or less. I do find some parts of it challenging, but I also love a lot of it, and am very excited to have begun my journey towards being an Herbal Consultant. 

My current schooling plan is to complete the Chartered Herbalist course, then complete their 6 month university level Chemistry course (a very intense, but important course needed to be a proper licensed & diploma-holding herbalist, recognized by the alternative medicine world), and finally enroll in their 1 year, full-time school Herbal Consultant course. All in all, at the end, I should  have 2 basic diplomas and be a certified consultant, so I can start my own little consulting business and legally be able to help others find some new, healthy pathways! 

This is something I wanted to do since I was a teenager, but ran away from for a long time. I do have some regrets that I didn't start doing it sooner, but, here we are now, taking the first steps towards a really amazing career. 

My Dad gifted me a laptop for Christmas/my birthday and so far it is treating me very well. I also bought a gorgeous notebook and some good pens to use during study time. As I type this, I am officially halfway through course 1! 

I am still working 4 days a week, so essentially full-time a week, plus doing school, thus you see why I am so behind on many hobbies. And in Burnout. Haha! It's for a good cause, though! Plus, I am working on social media and such things for my future apothecary.

After the blizzard, when the city got things a lot more cleaned up, the parks became very beautiful to walk in, and the sun felt extra good! 

Nothing more gorgeous than snow on green branches. My heavens. 

The chickadees were absolutely yelling their little lungs, from the top of this tree! I love chickadees so much. They are just so feisty.

Well that's all from me for this post, but I am super pleased to have finally been able to share some bigger changes in my life with you. If any of you are also working and doing school, feel free to commiserate in the comments below! 

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