Saturday 15 June 2024

Sunny Walks, Bike Rides, Patio Gardening & Calling All Birdies

     Ready for a hodge-podge of a post? Cause I have captured tons of little moments that made me remember my goals to share with y'all today. 

My views while going on my first bike ride of the season were amazing. While I can no longer haul around my bike in my car, cause my new car is much smaller than the Old Gal, and no way I can cram my bike in the back seat like I did before. HAHA! 

But I cannot complain about this view at all. 

I will say I need a new bike seat. Wider, more comfy. I mean, I am out of shape and heavier than I have ever been, but this seat is friggin' narrow, folks, and that was really the only part of me that was sore, despite biking several kms! 

Moments of sunshine while yet another bad storm rolled in. Look at those clouds! This is the day funnels clouds were being seen everywhere but thankfully never hit our area. 

Heading out on another gorgeous evening walk. When the sun does shine, you have gotta make good use of it! 

Insert incredibly bird songs here for full ambience. There are around 80 species of birds in this protected, natural area. 

Check out those incredible Rays! This is why I am a Light Chaser. 

You know I had to stop for some breath taking snapshots of these vibrant blooms! 

How could you not document this moment?!

We planted our patio garden somewhere around the middle of May, and I really need to take some progress shots, because so much is coming up and looking really quite good!

I love the Raccoon has a similar approach to me, which is to experiment with things, and make the best of what you have. Honestly, he is a much calmer, mentally stable person than me. LOL I tend to panic and get overwhelmed a lot. 

Anyways, here are some snapshots of us planting away, and the final product. Yes I planted several herbs, and I have more seeds going indoors too! 

Guys. Purple Garden Sage. Sage. Natures painkiller and protector against oxidative stress. Also good for free radical damage and inflammation!

Lavender. The bees favorites, thus why I ultimately planted. Every single household needs to get on helping the bees and even if all you can plant is some lavender in a pot, please please do so!

Obviously, we all know lavender is used in aromatherapy for calming ones mind, but it can also be used for things like fungal infections and joint pain!

My Dad came by and hung up a little bird feeder for me. Honestly, I don't think any birds will show up, but I decided to invest in a wee bird feeder and a bird bath anyways. Even if one sparrow shows up, that's all it takes! 

Well, that is all the ramblings I am going to share with you today, but they are good ones, or at least I think so. And if you don't think so, why are you here reading anyways?! HAHAHAHA Love to each of you readers. 

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