Sunday 8 September 2024

Going On Dates, Sending Postcards & Special Flower Bouquets

       It's the start of another week, and it occurs to me, while I am typing and scheduling these posts in advance, by the time you see them, we will be in the second week of September, and I will no doubt be fully in Fall Mode. 

In the meantime, let's continue on our journey of "what Bekah all got up to in July and August"...

We still try to go on a few dates a month, although that doesn't always happen, but I love when we get to try new places and go for little walks. This particular evening, we tried out a bistro that recently opened. 

It's very interesting because you walk in, and most of the menu is on the wall, then you order before you go sit down. I think that's to save on needing waitresses. I will say, it was rather noisy, but if you can sit outside, that might be a lot better. 

We tried this new flavor of Dr Pepper, and we both concluded that the original is better! 

I can't remember what this sandwich was called, but that's delicious pulled pork and I would return to get it again, that's for sure! I actually was able to make 2 meals out of it: it's larger than the photo shows!

On another sunny day, we took a little stroll down Broadway, to get some yummy eats. 

We popped into the tea & coffee shop because Raccoon wanted some good new teas. He is actually much more of a tea person than I am, but I am starting to get back into my teas now that cooler weather is rolling in. Maybe over winter I will try to become a proper tea addict. At least I can say my favorite teas are often black, so the British side in me definitely reigns. HAHA

This may offend some people. I don't care. If you know the joke, it's pretty funny! 

Popped into another cafe for some yummy slices of cheesecake! 

When I got all caught up with mail, I thought I'd send some surprise encouragement postcards to a few close friends. I am really hoping that they didn't just make my friends feel seen and loved, but that the post office workers read a few and were cheered up too. You never know who you might reach through the mail! 

At the end of July, we passed the 7th year anniversary of my Mom's passing. I worked on that particular day and maybe I shouldn't have, as it was really hard. The grief journey took a few surprising twists for lately, so I've been missing her a lot more. 

When I got home from work, Raccoon had gotten me this gorgeous flower bouquet, and that really helped me get through the day! So special! 

Well that's all I wanted to share today, but I will be back tomorrow with more photos! 

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